
1st and 2nd Seat Reverse Drury

I like a convention that i call 1st and 2nd seat reverse drury. After partner opens 1H or 1S in the first or second, seat, Responder can bid 2♣ with any of these three hand types:

  1. A hand with five or more clubs, game force
  2. A balanced hand of 10+ hcp or more
  3. A hand with three card support from good 8 hcp or more (can inlude hands with four card support and 7 to 10 hcp)

Opener's first assumption is that the bid shows item number three. Since partner can be as light as 8 hcp and three card support, or perhaps 12 and three hcp, opener first conveys rather or not he has game interest opposite such a hand. If opener would PASS a game try where responder has 11-12 hcp and three card support, opener REBIDS two of his major (there is one exception, if opening bid was 1S and opener has four hearts and a WEAK hand, he rebids 2H). If opener would bid game opposite a 11-12 hcp raise with three cards, he rebids 2D.

The 2D bid shows better than a minimum opening hand (or at least good distribution), but says nothing at all about diamonds. Over 2D, responder rebids 2M only with the trump raise and weak hand (good 8 to 12). This bid is forcing one round, as opener must have extra for his 2D bid. RESPONDER does not jump to 3M over 2D with 11-12 (2M is forcing), as the jump shows a true 2/1 GF and starts slam investigation (using Serious 3NT, so opener can seperate a "good hand" from a "bad hand" for his 2D bid which already showed extras).

There is one special case. With a minimum hand, and 5S and 4+H's, opener rebids 2H instead of 2D with extra values and this pattern he still bids 2D). (This is a simplification of old method that had opener rebidding 2H anytime he held four, but the conventional follow up was too convoluted. Opener with extra values still has time to find 4-4 heart fit. )

Opener's First rebid over 2Clubs

1M-2C-? (see exception for 1S-2C-2H later)
>>> 2D = extra values
>>> 2M = minimim opening, NF
>>> 2OM = if reverse, GF. If non-reverse,4H's, non-forcing minimum
>>> 3♣/3D = second five card suit, GF values -- generally 5 losers since not misiry
>>> 3M = one loser suit, great hand not suited for 2C or 4C/4D opening
>>> Jump major, or 4C/4D = self splinter, broken seven card suit
>>> Broken seven card suit, no singleton or void
>>>2NT = (six spades, four clubs, extra values, no sure this is best)
>>>3NT = 20-21 HCP if playing MisIry and strong 3 suiters open 2C

Full 1st/2nd seat drury scheme

---> 2M
---------> pass, to play. Have to pass with 11-12 hcp or bid 2NT
---------> 2NT forcing, stronger than 3NT, Game forcing
---------> Other major, True 2/1 GF, suit
---------> 3C True 2/1 GF,
---------> 3D True 2/1 GF, second suit or values
---------> 3M True 2/1 GF, slam try, can be long support
--------------> 3NT is cue-bid hardest to cue-bid control since slam try already
---------> 3NT any balanced hand with no slam interest
---------> 4S any hand with support and no slam interest
---------> 4C, solid clubs, strong spade support, no control in either red suit
---------> 4D, splinter, no control in hearts
---------> 4H, splinter, no control in diamonds
---> 2D
---------> 2M (8 to 12 hcp, three card support, one round forcen)
---------> 3M true 2/1 GF, true support, slam try in effect
---------> 4M Picture jump, five clubs, four support, no control in other suits
---------> 4D True 2/1 GF, 4+ Support, Splinter, no control in other major,
---------> Jump other major, True 2/1 GF, splinter, no control in D.
---------> new suit or 3C, true game force
---------> 2NT, GF, seek more info. If balanced, 14+
---------> 3NT, balanced 11 to 13, no support
---> 2H (when spade was opened, minimum with 4 hearts.)
---------> Pass, only with 8-10 and four card support
---------> 2S shows 8 to 10 and 3 card support, not 4 card heart support, NF
---------> 3S now shows 11 to 12 and 3 card support
---------> 3H now shows 11 to 12 and 4 card support
---------> 2NT shows true 2/1 GF, no fit for majors,
---------> 3C shows true 2/1 GF and a fit for one of the majors,
-------------> 3D (forced - one exception)
------------------> 3H sets trumps, slam try
------------------> 3S sets trumps, slam try
------------------> 4C picture jump in support of spades (only spade and Club values)
------------------> 4D Picture splinter in support of spades, no heart control
------------------> 4H picture splinter in support of spades, no diamond control
-------------> 4H (pass/correct picture bid,min value, no D control, no C honor
---------> 3D shows true 2/1 GF, and is like 4th suit forcing
------------------> 3H five card suit
------------------> 3S no diamond stopper, 4 hearts only
------------------> 3NT diamond stopper, 4 hearts only
---------> 3NT to play
---------> 4C picture bid in support of hearts, can not show spade splinter
---------> 4H To play
---------> 4S to play

Playing MisIry tranfer, openers jumps (and club raises) immediately over 2C will not occur often, but if they do, they show 5-5 or 6-5 distributional hands and 5 losers common (since no MisIry). Some magic fit slams can be found. The general rule is leap to game in major shows 8-9 hcp and 8 loser hand. Cheapest bid over the reverse shows fit for the suit that a direct raise would use up more space, the next cheapest bid for the second suit, and ask for to start cue-bidding. The third bid is RKCB for both suits shown by opener. 3NT is always natural

---> 2S (6H, 5S. forcing )

--------> 4S 8-9 hcp,
--------> 4H 8-9 hcp, hearts
--------> 2NT heart fit, asking for cue-bidding
--------> 3C spade fit, asking for cue-bidding
--------> 3D = RKCB two suit agreement, both majors
---> 3C (5-5 or better)
------->4M is 3 card fit, 8-9 points (but 8 losers)
------->3NT balanced 10-12
------->3D spade fit start cue-bidding
------->3H club fit, start cue-bidding
------->3S RKCB two suit agreement
---> 3D (5-5 or better)
-------> 3NT balanced 10-12
-------> 3H fit for Major
-------> 3S fit for diamonds
-------> 3NT natural
-------> 4C RKCB two suit agreement

Opponent overcalls or double the 2C response

Should opponents overcall after the 2C response at the two or three level. We play Garrazzo 2/3 doubles (exception, with very weak hand if they overcall below 2 of your major, you can rebid 2M which is weaker than pass, as we are forced to 2M). A pass by opener shows 1 or 4 cards in the bid suit, and a double shows 2 or 3.

The Garozzo 2/3 Doubles occurs in a forcing pass situation below game when our side has shown the majority of the high cards (1M-2C, 1 any - 2 any, the following approach is used in carefully defined situations):

  • direct DBL shows 2 or 3 cards in the suit doubled and interest in possible penalties.
  • direct pass shows either 1 or 4+ cards in the suit.
  • cuebids show void in the suit bid.
  • direct bids are descriptive, with non-jump bids often just having minimum values.
After the direct double, partner can pass with length too, or can bid if short. After the direct pass, partner can double with either length or shortness (but not extreme shortness, ie no void), and partner will figure out what to do - if in doubt the player with shortness does not double but bids instead.

1S-(P)-2C-(2H); DBL shows 2 to 3 H’s
1S-(P)-2C-(2H); pass shows 1 or 4+ H’s
1S-(P)-2C-(2H); 3H shows a H void.
1S-(P)-2C-(2H); 2S shows no desire to play for penalty and weak hand
1S-(P)-2C-(X); RDBL = cards, game force, no good "C fit",
1S-(P)-2C-(X); Pass = equivalent to the 2D bid, waiting.
1S-(P)-2C-(X); 2D = this time real D’s and weak, not the waiting game
1S-(P)-2C-(X); 2H = real suit, not game force
1S-(P)-2C-(X); 2S = very weak, opening


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