
1H openings with modified Kaplan Inversion

In Inquiry-2over1 system, the one of the major opening bid is limited. The limts are by enforced by a number of issues. These are:

  1. The really good one suited hands are opened 2 ♣ (8 tricks, 6 card suit, 5 controls)
  2. The strong two suiters (4 losers or less) are opened with MisIry transfers
  3. The long suit, strong hand, not suited for 2 ♣ are opened with namyats
  4. The "strong" three suiters (5-4-4-0) are opened 2 ♣
  5. The "strong" balanced hands are opened 2D (22-24), or 2 ♣ (25+)
  6. Weak hands with five plus major and 4+ clubs are opened 2M

This means that an opening bid is limited to less than each of those possible holdings. This has important implications for the subsequent auctions, especially opener's rebids.

Over one of a major, we play a semi-forcing 1NT but with modified Kaplan inversion, invitational jump shifts, and a specialized inverted drury after a first or second seat opening bid. Two notrump by either partner is often a game try in the other partners major. But this post deals with how Modified Kaplan Inversion along with Riton 2♣ are used after a 1 opening bid. Here is the scheme, first with what is unique to 1H opening bid.

Unique Auctions related to Modified Kaplan Inversion

Normal Kaplan Inversion is fairly simple. After a 1 opening bid, responder bids 1♠ with 0-4 spades and a hand unsuited for another bid, and bids 1NT with 5+♠. Opener's rebids are 1NT showing a minimum hand with 11-15 and 4♠s, and new minors as better minor. Inquiry 2/1 modifies this. We use responders 1♠/1NT as per normal, but opener's rebid varies from standard a little depending upon rather the initial response was 1♠ or 1NT.

First, over 1♠, we will rebid 1NT with all weak balanced hands lacking four card spade suit. A 2 rebid by opener promises 4♠'s, so a 1NT rebid also includes hands with 4♦'s), 2♣ rebid is Riton ♣, showing a good hand of 15HCP or more. Over a 1Spade response, a jump to 2NT shows BAL 20-21 HCP.

Over responders 1NT, 2♠ is a simple raise, and may be with three card support. And over 1NT, 2NT is "Jacoby 2NT by opener" showing four card support and game invite stregth". Over 1♠ by responder, spades have not been promised, so 2♠ is a true reverse, and in fact, shows 5♠/6H's. Ritong 2C followed by 2♠ (if given an opportunity) shows four card spade suit and good hand. Jumps to 3♣/3are true two suiters, 5-5 or better.

If responder bid 1S which denies five+ spades and three hearts, 2NT can no longer the "Jacoby 2NT by opener" because partner hasn't promised spades.

1H -- 1S = Modified Kaplan Inversion


Balanced hand with 3S or few spades, or unblanced with 4 diamonds. Always weak.


2C --> To play

2D: --> To Play

2H: To play

2♠: ART - GAME FORCE (3C/3D instead are invite)

2NT: GI without four spades, balanced


Five hearts, four spades, minimum hand

Pass: To play

2H: weak preference, clearly a doubleton

2/3/4♠ To play or invite

2NT Transfer to 3C (like on stayman auctions)

3C: transfer to 3D (like on stayman auctions)

3D: Game invite or better in hearts

3H: Slam try in hearts,


Weak with hearts, tends to be six card suit.

Pass: to play

2♠ Range Check, or GAME FORCE with a minor

2NT: Transfer to 3C

3C: Transfer to 3D

3D: Game invite or better in hearts

3H: slam try in hearts


Riton 2C

Pass: willing to play in 2C opposite any hand partner could hold

2D, waiting to hear what partner's hand is (not game force - see 2S), 2D followed by 3C/3D is invitational

2H, two card support. warning to partner not to bid more

2S, GF (since can't have long spades)

3C/3D weak bids, long suit

Modified Kalplain Inversion after


Four plus diamonds, weak hand

Pass: To play

2H: Weak preference

2S: constructive S's, not forcing

2NT: transfer to 3C

3C: Transfer to 3D

3D: Transfer to 3H (game invite or better)

3H: Game force, slam ambition

3S: Long spades, forcing, to invite use 2S range check followed by 3S


Generally six hearts, weak hand

Pass: to play

2S: Range check (remember, to use 2S over 1H with long spades, weak hand)

2NT: Transfer to 3C

3C: Transfer to 3D

3D: Transfer to 3H, game invite or better

3H: slam try

3S: Great spades, forcing (to invite in spades, bid 2S then rebid 3S)


Three or four card support, weak hand

2NT: check back, opener bids 3C/3D to complete distributional picture with shortness in other minor. Rebids 3H to show 3532, minimum, rebids 3s to show 4522 minimum, rebids 3NT to show 4522 maximum.

3C/3D/ forcing, cue-bid

3H: two suit trump fit, start cue-bidding (if blackwood is used, 6 key cards)


Jacoby 2NT by Opener (forcing spade raise)

3C: No game interest (3D reask), or strong slam interest
----> 3D Fragment with club shortnese, re-game try
----> 3H Fragment with diamond shortness, re-game try
---->3S ok, (if responder bids 3NT, it ask for cue-bidding up the line, and is strong slam try)

3D: Accept game try, minimum values for game going

3H: Accept game try (two suit agreement)

3S: Accept game try, shows heart fitting card

3NT: Accept game try, offer choice of contract

4C/4D: Accept game try, splinter, no control in other minor

4H/4S: Accept game try, very minimum


Mild game try, not as strong as 2NT raise

Pass: to play

3NT: serious 3NT showing heart control

4C: slam try, showing club control, denying heart control

4D: slam try, denying club control or heart control, showing D control

4H: last train, in this context looking for great trumps to continue, or establishing two suit trump agreement for blackwood (next)

4S to play


Major minor two suiter, at least 5-5. Not good enough for MisIry initial bid.

Pass: to play (this jump is not forcing)

3H: weak preference

minor raise: invitational

All others, GF, including 3S rebid


Splinter, no control in "other minor"

4S: to play

4H: Last train, promise control in other minor

4NT: Roman Keycard Blackwood


Ritong 2C (may have three card support)

PASS: Extremely rare, clubs is responder suit, weak hand

2D: waiting now

2H: warning, weak hand

2S: real spades, weak hand, unsuited for 2S preempt (probably five only spades)


Great suit (one loser opposite singleton), unsuit for acol 2C opening

Pass to play

3NT: to play

3S: general force, not a cue-bid

4C: forcing, cue-bid (may have spade control)

4D: forcing, last train (lacks club control)

The disadvantage of this system, is the 1H-1NT is now forcing, whereas other systems might have an auction that goes 1H-1S-1NT all pass. Exceot for that auction, we gain precision on bidding of all other auctions. The trade off, is we can get into 1NT on auctions that go 1H-1S-1NT where other 2/1 GF auctions begin 1H-1NT (forcing).

Not discussed above is the unexpected opener rebid of 3NT over 1 level responses. This shows 20-21 balanced if new MisIry is being played (where 2NT opening is preempt in clubs or strong in hearts and a suit other than clubs).

Let's examine some hands to see who riton 2C and other methods described above work after a 1H opening bid.

Hands where RESPONDER has spades

(2005 US Womens Bridge championship,
Axxx KQ9xx 1H 1NT
AQxxx Jx 2NT 3D
AK xxx 4S Pass
Qx Kxx

1NT = 5+ spades
2NT = big spade raise
3D = accept game try, no slam interest
4S = ok

IMP-19 North Dlr: West
Board 10840 S Vul: N-S
H AT976
West D K432 East 1H = not strong enough for 2C
S K872 C AQ86 S A53
H KQ5 H 43
D J86 South D T97
C K53 S QJT964 C JT974
H J82
C 2

West North East South
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2D Pass 3D
Pass 4H Pass Pass

1NT = five plus spades
2D = minimum hand softpedal misfits
3D = transfer to 3H, game try
4H = accept game


IMP-19 East Dlr: North
Board 10890 S K Vul: None
H AT763
North D K32 South
S 93 C QJ87 S A72
H KQ54 H 98
D 87654 West D AQJ9
C 53 S QJT8654 C K964
H J2

North East South West
Pass 1H Pass 2S
Pass Pass Pass

2S is preemptive (2S over all one
suit bids...even 1S is preemptive)

IMP-19 West Dlr: West
Board 10927 S AQT843 Vul: N-S
South D 973 North
S J9652 C K86 S K7
H K6 H QJ432
D AQ62 East D JT8
C T7 S C 532
H A9875
D K54

South West North East
Pass Pass 1H
Pass 1NT Pass 3C
Pass 4C Pass 5C
Pass Pass Pass

1NT = 5+spades
3C = two suiter, at least 5-5
4C = invite
5C with prime values

IMP-19 South Dlr: West
Board 10930 S KJ3 Vul: N-S
H K97542
East D West
S AT6 C AQ53 S 42
H H J863
D KT7642 North D AJ83
C KT62 S Q9875 C J84
D Q95
C 97

East South West North
Pass Pass
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
2D 3D 3H DBL
4D 4H Dbl Pass
Pass Rdbl Pass Pass

1NT = 5+ spades
3D here shows spades
3H double = double fit

IMP-19 West Dlr: North
Board 10933 S 4 Vul: E-W
H AK975
South D AQ7 North
S 965 C KT93 S AT72
H JT2 H 84
D KJT East D 6542
C A752 S KQJ83 C QJ6
H Q63
D 983
C 84

South West North East
Pass Pass
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2C Pass 3C
Pass 4H Pass Pass

2C = riton 2C
2D = wait
3C = hearts, clubs, good hand


IMP-19 North Dlr: West
Board 10938 S AK2 Vul: Both
H Q9652
West D 96 East
S J53 C AT8 S QT
H AJ H KT743
D JT2 South D 8543
C K9432 S 98764 C 75
H 8

West North East South
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2S Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

1NT = 5+S
2S = minimum with fit
4S is enough

IMP-19 South Dlr: East
Board 10969 S 9832 Vul: Both
H KT952
East D 7 West
S Q76 C AK6 S K
H 873 H AQ6
D QJ9654 North D KT832
C J S AJT54 C T852
H J4
C Q9743

East South West North
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2S Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

Like last one, easy?

IMP-19 East Dlr: East
Board 10970 S 52 Vul: None
North D South
S AK97 C JT8763 S 3
H 32 H JT976
D QJ8543 West D AK7
C 9 S QJT864 C AQ42
H 4
D T962
C K5

North East South West
2H Pass 2S
Pass Pass Pass

2H = H/C two suiter, weak opener
2S = not forcing (be sure to alert)

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11001 S KT3 Vul: N-S
East D West
S AQ2 C AKJ87 S 76
H 53 H Q9
D AKT94 North D J76532
C T93 S J9854 C 652
H A872
D Q8
C Q4

East South West North
1H Pass 2C
2D 3C 4D 4H
Pass 6H Pass Pass

2C = drury
3C = GF two suiter

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11015 S Q6 Vul: N-S
H AKQ8753
West D K96 East
S KJ942 C 6 S T5
H J6 H 942
D Q5 South D AT4
C AT75 S A873 C KQ982
D J8732
C J43

West North East South
1H Pass 1S
Pass 3H Pass Pass

IMP-19 North Dlr: West
Board 11035 S A73 Vul: Both
H A8764
West D AQ94 East
S 8 C Q S 952
H J2 H T953
D K85 South D T2
C AK96543 S KQJT64 C JT72
D J763
C 8

West North East South
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
2C Dbl Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

Dbl = takeout
Missed lucky 6S on pin DT

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11159 S 864 Vul: E-W
H AK9543
East D JT9 West
S T9 C K S Q72
H JT8 H 76
D AK32 North D Q75
C J853 S AKJ53 C QT964
H Q2
D 864
C A72

East South West North
1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2S Pass 2NT
Pass 3H Pass 4H
Pass Pass Pass

1NT = 5+S
2S = min raise
2NT = force, seek info
3H = long hearts

IMP-19 East Dlr: South
Board 11162 S J4 Vul: E-W
H AK963
North D 9864 South
S K2 C AT S Q975
H J842 H QT
D Q73 West D AJT5
C KJ62 S AT863 C 984
H 75
D K2
C Q753

North East South West
Pass Pass
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2D Pass 2H
Pass Pass Pass

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11165 S 2 Vul: E-W
West D 854 East
S A84 C A953 S QJ5
H 4 H K9532
D AQJT7 South D K2
C QT76 S KT9763 C J42
H J6
D 963
C K8

West North East South
1H Pass 2S
pass Pass Pass

IMP-19 West Dlr: North
Board 11177 S A5 Vul: None
H AK762
South D AQ72 North
S K8 C 64 S Q642
H J93 H 854
D JT63 East D K9
C J952 S JT973 C AT83
D 854

South West North East
Pass Pass
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2C Pass 2D
Pass 3D Pass 3H
Pass Pass Pass

IMP-19 West Dlr: South
Board 11187 S AQ3 Vul: None
H AJT532
South D 3 North
S T54 C T75 S 987
H K8 H Q7
D K54 East D QJ96
C KJ842 S KJ62 C AQ96
H 964
D AT872
C 3

South West North East
Pass 1H Pass 2C
Pass 2H Pass 4H

2C = don't introduce 4 card suit
2H = minimum opening bid
4H more than 26 zar points

IMP-19 West Dlr: South
Board 11188 S Vul: None
South D A5 North
S AQJ986 C AK9763 S 75
H Q52 H 64
D Q62 East D J9874
C J S KT432 C Q854
H 973
C T2

South West North East
Pass 3C Pass 3D
Pass 4C Pass 4H
Pass Pass Pass

3C = MisIry
3D = complete transfer
4C = C/H 2 suiter, 3 loser
4H to play

IMP-19 South Dlr: North
Board 11249 S A3 Vul: N-S
H AKJ974
East D 8 West
S J92 C AJ97 S 65
H QT63 H 52
D Q9653 North D AJ74
C T S KQT874 C KQ654
H 8
C 832

East South West North
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2C Pass 2D
Pass 3H Pass 3S
Pass 4S All pass

3S = forcing, else 2S earlier

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11269 S AT Vul: N-S
H KJT653
West D T62 East
S J85 C A7 S 764
H A9872 H 4
D AJ83 South D 975
C 8 S KQ932 C QT9532
C KJ64

West North East South
1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2H Pass 3NT
Pass Pass Pass easy

IMP-19 West Dlr: West
Board 11279 S Q5 Vul: None
South D K8 North
S J94 C KJ96 S AT63
H A7 H K6532
D QJ9764 East D T5
C 72 S K872 C Q3
H 9
D A32
C AT854

South West North East
2H Pass 5C
Pass Pass Pass

2H = minimum H/C opener
5C = could explore for 3NT

IMP-19 East Dlr: North
Board 11282 S Vul: N-S
H QJT632
North D Q96 South
S K3 C AKT6 S T987
H A9 H 74
D KJ7542 West D A83
C 753 S AQJ6542 C J942
H K85
C Q8

North East South West
Pass 2H Pass 4H
Pass Pass Pass

2H = mimimum H/C opener
4H = why fool around, 2S not forcing
could bid 2NT then 3S before settling

IMP-19 West Dlr: West
Board 11305 S Vul: Both
South D K85 North
S T7532 C T9873 S AJ6
H T H 76432
D A9 East D QJ62
C QJ642 S KQ984 C K
H K8
D T743
C A5

South West North East
2H Pass Pass

IMP-19 West Dlr: East
Board 11314 S Q Vul: Both
H AQT932
South D QJT865 North
S 9853 C S A642
H K754 H J
D East D K743
C AJ743 S KJT7 C KQ96
H 86
D A92
C T852

South West North East
Pass 1H Pass 1S
Pass 3D Pass 4D
Pass 5D All Pass

1S = 0 to 4 spades
3D = to distributional for 2S
4D = raise, invite
5D = game, 4H maybe better

IMP-19 East Dlr: North
Board 11325 S KQ9 Vul: None
H AQT7643
North D T6 South
S T87 C 7 S J43
H 8 H KJ2
D KJ83 West D AQ94
C A6542 S A652 C J83
H 95
D 752

North East South West
Pass 1H Pass 1S
Pass 2H Pass Pass

IMP-19 West Dlr: North
Board 11342 S Vul: None
H AJ763
South D A95 North
S KJ73 C KQ743 S T864
H 85 H KQ42
D T East D J863
C AJT862 S AQ952 C 9
H T9
D KQ742
C 5

South West North East
1H Pass
Pass 1NT Pass 3C
Pass 3D Pass 4D
Pass 5D Pass Pass

1NT = 5+ clubs
3C = clubs and hearts
3D = natural 4D = natural

IMP-19 West Dlr: East
Board 11351 S AT6 Vul: E-W
H QT8532
South D AJT North
S J73 C Q S 54
H KJ6 H A974
D 2 East D Q985
C KT8543 S KQ982 C A96
D K7643
C J72

South West North East
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2S Pass 4S
Pass PAss Pass

1NT = 5+spades
2S = mimumm support

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11367 S K2 Vul: N-S
H K6532
West D AKQ8 East
S 3 C K2 S QJ9875
H A8 H T9
D T754 South D 6
C JT9865 S AT64 C Q743
H QJ74
D J932

West North East South
1H Pass 2NT
Pass 3H Pass 3S
Pass 3NT Pass 4C
Pass 4NT Pass 5S
Pass 6H All Pass

2NT = Jacoby 2NT plus, ignore spades
3H = slam try
3S = cue, 3NT = serious, 4C=cue

IMP-19 West Dlr: West
Board 11377 S 72 Vul: Both
H AK9832
South D AQ64 North
S AKJT C 5 S 853
H 4 H QJ65
D 9875 East D J2
C AQJ8 S Q964 C 9764
H T7
C KT32

South West North East
1H Pass 1S
Pass 2C Pass 2D
Pass 2H Pass 3D
Pass 3H All Pass

1S = 0 to 4 spades, 2C = riton,
2D = waiting
2H = good hand, six hearts, not suitable
for initial 3H jump or second round jump
3D = invite in heart s or better
3H = reject invite

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11387 S 94 Vul: None
H A6432
West D A8 East
S 763 C K643 S KQJT
H JT985 H Q7
D Q73 South D K652
C A9 S A852 C Q85
D JT94
C JT72

West North East South
2H Pass 3C
Pass Pass Pass Pass

2H = minimum opener heart/clubs
3C = great spot

IMP-19 North Dlr: South
Board 11404 S KJ6 Vul: Both
H AKT832
West D 8 East
S 4 C AK6 S AT72
H 954 H J7
D KJT9 South D A432
C QT875 S Q9853 C J43
H Q6
D Q765
C 92

West North East South
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2C Pass 2H
Pass 3S Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

1NT = 5+spades
2C = riton 2C
2H = weak warning

IMP-19 North Dlr: South
Board 11425 S QT8 Vul: N-S
H AK7642
West D East
S 9532 C J872 S A4
H H QJ853
D KQJT74 South D 852
C K94 S KJ76 C A63
H T9
D A963

West North East South
Pass 2H Pass Pass

IMP-19 East Dlr: North
Board 11431 S A95 Vul: N-S
H AJ972
North D 852 South
S K3 C K6 S J42
H T6543 H Q8
D K94 West D AQJ76
C A75 S QT876 C T42
D T3
C QJ983

North East South West
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2S Pass Pass

1NT = five+ spades
2S = minimum with spades

IMP-19 South Dlr: West
Board 11434 S A874 Vul: Both
H AT852
East D 9 West
S 6 C QT9 S QJ9
H K973 H QJ4
D K643 North D AJT82
C AJ84 S KT532 C 75
H 6
D Q75
C K632

West North East South
1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2S Pass 3C
Pass 4S Pass Pass

1NT = 5+Spades
2S = minimum raise
3C = game try
4S = minimum hcp game :-)

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11467 S A5 Vul: Both
H AKJ632
East D A West
S KT2 C Q863 S Q4
H 987 H QT5
D J87652 North D KT93
C 9 S J98763 C AJ42
H 4
D Q4
C KT75

East South West North
1H Pass 2S
Pass 3S Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

2S = preemptive
3S = game try

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11470 S KJT2 Vul: Both
West D K92 East
S 97 C J S Q84
H 83 H JT964
D A743 South D Q
C K9632 S A653 C QT54
H 2
D JT865
C A87

West North East South
1H Pass 1S
Pass 2S Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

1S = 0 to 4 spades
2S = four card spade, game try

IMP-19 East Dlr: South
Board 11485 S KJ2 Vul: Both
North D 2 South
S 7 C J83 S AT983
H 98 H 762
D AKJ875 West D QT93
C KT64 S Q654 C 9
H 53
D 64
C AQ752

West North East South
Pass Pass
Pass 1H Pass 1S
Pass 3H Pass 4H
Pass Pass Pass

IMP-19 East Dlr: East
Board 11497 S 75 Vul: E-W
H AJT872
North D A63 South
S J86 C T2 S K93
H 95 H 43
D T54 West D 9872
C QJ764 S AQT42 C 9853

North East South West
1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2H Pass 3H
Pass 4D Pass 4NT
Pass 5H Pass 6NT
Pass Pass Pass

1NT = 5+S, 2H = minimum
3H = slam try, heart raise
4D = no spade or club control
6NT = 12 top tricks, partner with
seven hearts would show Queen

Question: Why is 3H slam try instead
of game try?

IMP-19 South Dlr: East
Board 11525 S 97 Vul: None
H AQ9754
East D A West
S QT53 C KT64 S A62
H KJ83 H 2
D J53 North D K872
C 98 S KJ84 C AJ752
H T6
D QT964
C Q3

East South West North
Pass 2H Pass Pass
Pass Pass Pass

IMP-19 North Dlr: East
Board 11544 S AK73 Vul: E-W
West D 62 East
S J85 C 62 S T
H J2 H 987543
D 85 South D AT94
C AQJT75 S Q9642 C K4
C 983

West North East South
Pass Pass
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 3S Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

1NT = 5+ spades
3S = four card support, weaker than 2NT

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11562 S Vul: E-W
West D 73 East
S AKQ5 C AQJ65 S T874
H 75 H 93
D AK864 South D QJ2
C 98 S J9632 C T743
H K64
D T95
C K2

West North East South
1H Pass 2H
Pass 4H Pass Pass

2H with three card support and weak,
raise immediately
This is more likely a MisIry hand
IMP-19 Dlr: west
Board 11585 S 5 Vul: N-S
H QJ8432
D A4
S AT842 C KQ52 S 973
H T6 H 75
D 9752 D KJT
C 74 S KQJ6 C AT983
D Q863
C J6

West North East South
Pass 2H Pass 4H
Pass Pass Pass Pass

IMP-19 North Dlr: North
Board 11605 S J85 Vul: None
H AQT532
S AT9 C A S 432
H 76 H KJ9
D 932 D KQ8
C Q8652 S KQ76 C JT43
H 84
D A764
C K97

South West North East
1H Pass
1S Pass 2H Pass
3H Pass Pass Pass

Question, difference between this
3H and the GF 3H earlier?

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11675 S Q Vul: N-S
H AKT843
East D A743 West
S KJ653 C K9 S 97
H Q62 H J5
D 8 North D JT62
C A852 S AT842 C JT643
H 97
D KQ95
C Q7

East South West North
1H Pass 1S
Pass 2C Pass 2D
Pass 2H Pass 3D
Pass 4D Pass 4S
Pass 4NT Pass 5H
Pass 6D All Pass

1NT = 5+ spades
2C = good hand
2D = waiting
2H = good hand, 6 hearts
3D = real suit, forcing
4C = cue-diamond fit, 4S = cue,
5NT = rkcb

IMP-19 South Dlr: North
Board 11687 S AT75 Vul: N-S
East D K87 West
S J2 C 3 S Q8
H J96 H 854
D J43 North D AT2
C KJT94 S K9643 C A8752
H 73
D Q965
C Q6

East South West North
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2NT Pass 3C
Pass 3D Pass 4S
All Pass

1NT = five+spades, 2NT = great raise,
3C = not accept game try
3D = re-game try, short club
4S enough

IMP-19 South Dlr: West
Board 11709 S A Vul: None
H 95432
East D AKQT6 West
S 98743 C A7 S J2
D 52 North D 843
C K9 S KQT65 C QT864
H 8
D J97
C J532

East South West North
Pass Pass
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 3D Pass 4D
Pass 4S Pass 5D
All pass
Dbl Pass Pass Pass

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11758 S Q Vul: None
H AK8752
East D AT8 West
S A97 C J62 S KJ82
H 93 H 4
D 76542 North D QJ3
C AQT S T6543 C 97543
D K9
C K8

East South West North
1H Pass 2C
Pass 2D Pass 2H
Pass 4H Pass Pass

2C = drury, with 4card support, don't bid 1NT
2D = better than minimum
2H, 4H natural

IMP-19 South Dlr: Souths
Board 11763 S AT7 Vul: None
H KJ97532
East D West
S Q98 C KQJ S 62
H QT4 H A86
D A65 North D T9832
C 9875 S KJ543 C T62
C A43

West North East South
1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2C Pass 2D
Pass 4D Pass 4S
Pass Pass Pass

1NT = 5+S
2C = ritong 2C
2D = waiting, 2S = 3card support
4D = splinter, 3H, 4C

IMP-19 North Dlr: South
Board 11772 S A6 Vul: None
H AQ8432
West D K62 East
S 9852 C A3 S J73
H J95 H K7
D AJ83 South D T754
C 75 S KQT4 C KT92
H T6
D Q9
C QJ864

West North East South
Pass 1H Pass 1S
Pass 2C Pass 2S
Pass 3H Pass 4H
All Pass

1H = too good for 1NT
1S = 0-4 spades,
2C = Riton 2C
2S = GF
3H = long hearts

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11794 S A Vul: None
H KJ982
East D AJT3 West
S KT5 C T84 S QJ94
H AQ543 H 76
D K5 North D 9842
C KJ7 S 87632 C Q96
D Q76
C A532

East South West North
1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2D Pass Pass

1NT = five + spades, 2D = diamonds,weak

IMP-19 West Dlr: South
Board 11796 S A Vul: None
South D KT2 North
S KQ65 C Q764 S J32
H K75 H T82
D 86543 East D AQ9
C 3 S T9874 C JT98
H 94
D J7
C AK52

South West North East
Pass 1H Pass 1NT
Pass 2C Pass 2D
Pass 3C Pass 3H
Pass 4H All pass

1NT = 5+spades,
2C = riton 2C, 2D waiting
3C = four clubs,not 3 spades
3H = mild game try, 4H good suit

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11799 S JT Vul: None
East D T652 West
S K543 C Q3 S Q62
H 87654 H J9
D AJ North D KQ83
C 84 S A987 C JT92
D 974
C AK765

East South West North
1H Pass 1S
Pass 2D Pass 2S
Pass 2NT All Pass

1S=0-4 spades, 2D= minimum two suiter
2S = range check,2NT very minimum

IMP-19 South Dlr: South
Board 11808 S 2 Vul: None
H QJ764
East D AJ5 West
S Q975 C A984 S KJT4
H AT32 H K5
D 74 North D KQT3
C K65 S A863 C J72
H 98
D 9862

East South West North
2H Pass Pass

IMP-19 North Dlr: South
Board 11813 S K8 Vul: None
H AKJ873
West D AJ86 East
S A97 C A S QJT3
H Q64 H T9
D South D 7543
C QT98753 S 6542 C K62
H 52
C J4

West North East South
Pass 1H Pass 1S
Pass 2C Pass 2D
Pass 3D Pass 4D
Pass 6D Pass

Hands where RESPONDER does not have SPADES

Note, when you limit partner to 2 or fewer hearts (or raise hearts directly) and 3 or less spades, that means fewer hands to choose from. These hands are fairly rare.

  1. Responder must be too weak for 2/1 GF
  2. Responder must not be suitable for invitational jump to 3 of minor
  3. Respnder can not be "balanced" 11 plus
  4. Responder must have enough hcp to want to bid

IMP-20 Dlr: West
Board 39398 S AJT3 Vul: None
D J4
S KQ9752 C K8 S
H K75 H 962
D 532 D AQ876
C 4 S 864 C T9762
H 84

North East South West
1H Pass 1S Pass
2S Pass 3NT All Pass

1S = 0 to 4 spades
2S = good hand, 4S
3NT = what is easier?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please explain what opener does with 2-5-3-3 shape after the auction 1H-1S.

1NT shows 3 spades, 2C is strong and 2D shows 4 diamonds. Seems you're stuck!


9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typo: In the last paragraph before the green stuff you say that 1H-1S denies 4 spades. It does not, it denies 5 spades.


9:35 AM  
Blogger bboinquiry said...

Thanks for catching the typos, afraid i type too fast and my eyesight is not what it should be, so i make a lot of those. reporting them always appreciated :-)

Now to being stuck with 2-5-3-3 if partner bids 1S (not 1NT).

Ok, you are only "stuck" if you opened a 11-13 hcp hand. If you had 14-16, you would have opened 1NT. If you have 16 or more, easy 2C rebid.

So now you have some trashy 13 or less hcp hand. Something like, S-xx H-KQxxx D-Axx C-Kxx. Here, like always, you have to tell the best lie. One option is to rebid 2H, one is to bid 1NT, one is to create a fourth diamond with 2D. This is hardly worse than standard 2/1 GF after 1H-1NT (where they can not pass). Nor is it too different from standard 2/1 with 4S and 5H and 2-2 in the minors and partner bids 1NT. Stuck? Well yes. Three strong diamonds, bid 2D, five strong hearts, bid 2H. Those are options one and two, I lean towards 2D if no clear choice.

7:59 PM  

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